Most of the teachers at my school have a pet of some kind. A number of them have adopted through one of the rescue organizations such as Animal Rescue Korea. Well, after looking through their site and thinking about if for a couple of weeks, I finally decided to adopt a white minature schnauzer.

She's a 4-5 years old pure-bred that had been used for breeding. She follows me everywhere and is always right beside me. As I type this, she is lying about 2 feet from me snoozing away.
The people at the rescue named her Rada. I don't care for that name very much, so I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with that or change it to something else. Since I got her a day and a half ago, I haven't had to call her anything... since she's always right there. So far the thoughts/suggestions have been Prada, Cenna, Squeak (since she's been debarked), and Kimchi....
Suggestions anyone?