Getting ready for Christmas


Wow! It's hard to believe it's so close to Christmas already!

I ordered a Christmas tree last weekend.... artificial, since I haven't seen any place to get real trees. It was delivered Thursday, complete with lights and decorations, so I set it up.

Now, I just need some presents to go under it! LOL

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree


I adopted a dog!


Most of the teachers at my school have a pet of some kind. A number of them have adopted through one of the rescue organizations such as Animal Rescue Korea. Well, after looking through their site and thinking about if for a couple of weeks, I finally decided to adopt a white minature schnauzer.




She's a 4-5 years old pure-bred that had been used for breeding. She follows me everywhere and is always right beside me. As I type this, she is lying about 2 feet from me snoozing away.

The people at the rescue named her Rada. I don't care for that name very much, so I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with that or change it to something else. Since I got her a day and a half ago, I haven't had to call her anything... since she's always right there. So far the thoughts/suggestions have been Prada, Cenna, Squeak (since she's been debarked), and Kimchi....

Suggestions anyone?


About This Blog

Rick is an English teacher currently living and working in Seoul, South Korea. If you have any questions about life in Korea, feel free to email:

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